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ADVANCE EiSCC Materials Available in ARC Network Resource Library

Presentations, posters, and other conference materials from the 2024 ADVANCE Equity in STEM Community Convening have now been uploaded to the ARC Network Resource Library, thanks to ARC Network Librarian Bethany Farmer. You can also check out the presentations from previous years' convenings you're there!


The ADVANCE Journal Webinar: Healing from Institutional Betrayal and Academic Trauma Webinar

The inaugural ADVANCE Journal Webinar: HEALING from Institutional Betrayal and Academic Trauma will take place on June 28th, 1-2:30pm PST.

The webinar, facilitated by ADVANCE Journal editor Sarina Saturn, will feature an amazing group of scholars, healers, and artists and will conclude with mini-workshop "Harnessing Your Imagination to Reconnect to Your Values: A Journaling Exercise." Register here.

Virtual Visiting Scholar Applications Opening Soon

The ARC Network Virtual Visiting Scholars will soon open applications for its seventh cohort!

Each year, the ARC Network selects two to four Virtual Visiting Scholars to conduct research on existing or emerging themes from scholarly literature on gender equity in STEM workplaces.

Virtual Visiting Scholars employ qualitative and/or quantitative meta-analytic and meta-synthesis techniques to identify best practices, structural barriers, or other larger themes from existing literature. Research also incorporates considerations of diversity and inclusion from an intersectional and systemic perspective.

Virtual Visiting Scholars will be expected to work independently at locations of their choosing. The ARC Network will provide a stipend for one year of $20,000, provided as direct payments to the Scholar, not to an institution. Scholars with master's degrees (or the equivalent) will be welcome to apply!

More information about the program can be found here.

ARC EAC Member Takes on NSF Leadership Role

Congratulations to Dr. Felecia Nave, a former ARC Network External Advisory Council member, who recently has taken on a leadership role at the NSF as the new Division Director for the Division of Equity for Excellence in STEM!

Career Opportunities

Postdoctoral Scholar, ADVANCE Journal

The ADVANCE Journal for Individual and Institutional Transformation for Social Justice, housed at Oregon State University, invites applications for a 12-month postdoctoral fellowship to commence September 1, 2024 (start date negotiable).

The Postdoc will serve as the Managing Editor for the journal and be mentored by the Journal’s editorial team. As Managing Editor, the Postdoc will be responsible for facilitating submissions through the peer-review and publication processes. The Postdoc will work closely with regular and guest editors and authors for the ADVANCE Journal to schedule and facilitate editorial team meetings, oversee the assignment of submissions, invite reviewers, track reviews and reviewers, and manage regular correspondence with editors and authors. At the publication stage, the Postdoc will be responsible for formatting all submissions into APA format, organizing and collecting forms, and executing the final publication of articles in each issue.

The full job posting can be found here:


TIPA Webinar Series Now Available

WEPAN partnered with Qualcomm to host a webinar series exploring topics covered in The Inventor’s Patent Academy (TIPA, with each of the three webinars aligning with a TIPA module. TIPA, created in partnership by Qualcomm and Invent Together, is a free patent education course that supports historically underrepresented inventors in understanding patenting, intellectual property, and how to navigate the patenting system.

  • The first webinar, “Promoting Equitable Innovation,” featured four inventors who shared their patent successes and challenges as well as strategies, tools, and tips for navigating the patent journey, and is available to watch here.
  • The second webinar, “Understanding Patent Law,” covered the specifics of patents, patent rights, and duration, including the steps of applying for a patent and the professionals, such as patent attorneys and patent agents, who play a key role in the process, and is available to watch here.
  • The third webinar, "Working with the Patent Office," covered how to write claims, office actions and responses, and activities that occur after a patent issues, and is available to watch here.

VVS & ERW Digest

Collected resources and news regarding our Virtual Visiting Scholars andEmerging Research Workshops.

Read and Give Feedback on the Latest ARC Emerging Research Workshop Reports

The two newest reports from the ARC Network's Emerging Research Workshops have been released. The reports, "Using Big Data and Algorithms to Foster Equity in STEM" and "Cultivating Equity In STEM Through Inclusive Language," cover research and promising practices on each of the topics and suggest new directions for future work. We invite the community to share their expertise on the topics. To read the reports and share your input visit

Equity in the News

A selection of equity, diversity, and inclusion-related articles.

"Exposing the Inequity of Faculty Counteroffers" by J. Blake in Inside Higher Ed

"When a faculty member receives a job offer from an outside organization or institution, their current employer often responds with a counteroffer—a written contract outlining increased salary and benefits—in an effort to retain them. But according to a new study, such counteroffers are often not extended equitably or based on any sort of objective formula or criteria; in fact, they constitute a “nebulous, inefficient, discretionary, and inequitable” practice, the report says."

Equity Resources

Publications, reports, or communications relevant to equity in the academy. All resources listed below are available in the ARC Network online resource library.

"Re-Centering Indigenous Knowledge in climate change discourse" by J. Hernandez, J. Meisner, L. Jacobs, et al.

"Climate change despair is fueled by the apocalyptic and doom narratives that often dominate climate change discourse. These narratives continue to shift our focus to adaptation strategies rather than the mitigation strategies that many Indigenous communities are leading globally within their territories. In this opinion piece, we argue that to truly mitigate climate change, we must center Indigenous Knowledge systems in climate science. To do this, we offer examples of Indigenous-led movements and projects that are informed by Indigenous Knowledge systems."

"Towards diverse representation and inclusion in soil science in the United States" by T. Carter, L. Jennings, Y. Pressler et al.

"Soil science is one of the least diverse subdisciplines within the agricultural, earth, and natural sciences. Representation within soil science does not currently reflect demographic trends in the United States. We synthesize available data on the representation of historically marginalized groups in soil science in the United States and identify historical mechanisms contributing to these trends."

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